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Removable Cast Walkers

Removable cast walkers are designed to allow patients to ambulate while also offloading their wound. Provides distribution of pressures across the plantar surface of the foot during weight baring, terminal stance strategy, and swing phase dorsiflexion assist. May also improve balance.



AeroOffloader features air-filled bolster technology which offloads bony prominences to reduce the risk of pressure wound development.
AeroOffloader's pre-inflated air bolster offloads bony prominences to prevent skin breakdown and pressure ulcers. Each dressing features an absorbent open cell polyurethane foam layer for balanced absorption and a siliconized contact layer for safe application and removal. Choose from dressings created to fit the heel, hip + elbow, or sacral.

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OWLS Wound Healing System

The OWLS orthosis is designed for controlling and decelerating initial loading, strategic progression of the center of pressure across the plantar surface of the foot during weight bearing, terminal stance strategy, swing phase dorsiflexion assist, and improving balance.

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