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Specialty Absorptives / Super Absorbents

Specialty absorptive or superabsorbent dressings are multilayer wound covers that provide either a semi-adherent or a non-adherent layer, combined with highly absorptive layers of fibers, such as cellulose, cotton, or rayon. Designed to minimize adherence to the wound and manage exudate. They may be used as a primary or secondary dressing to manage surgical incisions, lacerations, abrasions, burns, donor or skin graft sites, or any other type of exudating wound.

Specialty absorptive dressings are multi-layered wound covers that provide either a semi-adherent quality or a non-adherent layer, combined with highly absorptive layers of fibers, such as cellulose, cotton or rayon. These dressings are designed to minimize adherence to the wound and manage exudate.

Specialty absorptive dressings feature the following general performance properties and attributes:
• Easy to remove
• Highly absorptive (moderate to heavy drainage)

Specialty absorptive dressings are indicated for use as a primary or secondary dressing to manage partial- and full-thickness wounds such as surgical incisions, lacerations, abrasions, burns, donor or skin graft sites, or any exudating wound.

No known contraindications.

Specialty absorptive dressings may not be appropriate for use over an undermined wound.


3M™ Kerramax Care™ Super-Absorbent Dressings

3M™ Kerramax Care™ dressing is a sterile, super-absorbent dressing for use on moderate to highly exuding wounds. Absorbs exudate and locks it away inside the dressing, helping to reduce skin maceration. High absorption and retention can enable fewer dressing changes and minimize disturbance to the wound bed.

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Cutimed® Sorbion® Sachet Dressings

Cutimed® Sorbion® Sachet superabsorbent dressings demonstrate their effectiveness in the management of moderate to highly exudating wounds, utilizing Hydration Response Technology™ (HRT). The unique design concept of HRT combines numerous performance factors which aid in promoting ideal healing conditions.

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Drawtex® wound dressing's capillary, hydroductive and electrostatic actions, made possible by exclusive LevaFiber™ Technology, allow it to remove debris, control excessive wound exudate and draw out bacteria and harmful MMPs, setting the stage for wound healing or closure.

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Zetuvit® Plus Silicone Border

Zetuvit® Plus Silicone Border is suitable for the treatment of moderately to heavily exuding wounds. Offers excellent patient comfort and satisfaction, a superabsorbent core for fast absorption, odor control, and retention of exudate even under compression.

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Biatain® Super Dressing

Biatain® Super Dressing is a highly absorbent hydrocapillary dressing providing an optimal moist wound healing environment for exuding wounds. Available in both adhesive and non-adhesive.

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Caliber™ Adhesive Bandages

Caliber™ Adhesive Bandages are absorbent, non-adherent pad bandages in a variety of materials and sizes.

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Combine ABD Pads

Combine ABD Pads are highly absorbent, multilayer, soft, non-woven moisture barriers. All edges are sealed.

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ConvaMax™ Superabsorber Dressing

ConvaMax™ Superabsorber is designed to address moderate to heavy exudate management concerns that standard dressings can’t address. Combines high absorption and retention to help prevent excess exudate from contributing to poor skin integrity. Can be used as a primary or secondary dressing. Ideal where there is a risk of skin damage due to high levels of exudate. Available in non-adhesive and silicone adhesive forms.

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Covaderm® is an adhesive-bordered, non-adherent, air and fluid permeable primary or secondary "post-op" dressing with a stretchable fabric tape. Conformable on difficult-to-dress areas.

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CovaWound™ SuperAbsorbent (Super Absorbent Dressing)

CovaWound™ SuperAbsorbent (Super Absorbent Dressing) locks in exudate to prevent moisture-associated complications, even under compression. It has a non-woven wound contact layer.

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