JOBST® Compri2 is a 2-layer short stretch compression bandaging system that addresses the two key elements required to ensure successful compression therapy: correct compression level easily applied and continuous patient adherence.
Hydrofera, LLC and BSN Medical Inc. are Essity-owned companies. Essity is a leading global hygiene and health company dedicated to improving well-being through products and solutions. They provide high-quality wound and incontinence care, orthopedic, and compression products. Essity sells in approximately 150 countries under leading global brands Cutimed®, Hydrofera Blue®, Leukoplast®, JOBST®, Delta-Cast®, and TENA®.
• Provides sustained graduated compression of at least 40mmHg (JOBST® Compri2) or a reduced average pressure of 30mmHg (JOBST® Compri2 Lite) for up to 7 days
• Easy to apply with 2-way stretch padding and compression indicators
• Corrective application possible
• Comfortable padding
• Low profile
• Online support (application videos, micro-site for patients and professionals)
• Not made with natural rubber latex
JOBST® Compri2 is indicated for used on venous leg ulcers, lymphatic edemas, and other edemas.
Lymphatic Edemas
Other Edemas
Vascular Malformations
Venous Leg Ulcers
Please refer to the JOBST® Compri2 and JOBST® Compri2 IFU for detailed instructions on how to apply.
Provides sustained compression for up to 7 days.
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