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OCM™ Wound Matrix

OCM™ Wound Matrix is a first in class, drug-device product delivering multimodal therapy to address all phases of wound healing.

Omeza, LLC

Omeza® is a regenerative skin care company that develops therapies for the treatment of wounds.
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• Addresses all phases of wound healing
• Use on wounds head to toe
• Use on variety of wound etiologies
• Typical application frequency is once a week
• Room temperature storage
• No additional product preparation required
• Migrates into tunnels and crevices of wound bed


OCM™ is indicated for the management of wounds including: partial- and full-thickness wounds, pressure ulcers, venous ulcers, diabetic ulcers, chronic vascular ulcers, tunneled/undermined wounds, surgical wounds (donor sites/grafts, post-Moh's surgery, post-laser surgery, podiatric, wound dehiscence), trauma wounds (abrasions, lacerations, superficial partial-thickness burns, skin tears) and draining wounds.


This product should not be used in patients with known sensitivity to fish collagen or cod liver oil.
The product is not indicated for use in third-degree burns.

Warnings and Precautions

Each unit of OCM™ is for single use. Discard unused portions after each treatment session.
Contents are sterile if the inner package is unopened and undamaged. Do not use if the inner package is broken. Do not re-sterilize.
Discard product if mishandling has caused possible damage or contamination.
Appropriate wound debridement should be performed as needed. Exudate and excessive bleeding should be controlled before OCM™ is applied. Prior to use of OCM™, clinical signs of infection should be addressed accordingly, if present.
The following complications are possible with the use of wound management products: infection, chronic inflammation (initial application of wound dressings may be associated with transient, mild, localized inflammation), allergic reaction, excessive redness, pain, or swelling. If any of these conditions occur, the product should be removed.

Storage Requirements

Store at room temperature (77˚F/25˚C). Keep away from sunlight. See product pouch for expiration date.

Active Ingredients

Cod-liver oil

How Supplied/Sizing
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Recommended Use

Acute Wounds
Chronic Wounds

Mode of Use/Application

Always handle OCM™ using aseptic techniques. Only inner package content is sterile. Prior to application of OCM™, prepare the wound bed using standard methods to reduce wound debris and necrotic tissue. If necessary, surgically debride the wound to ensure the wound edges contain viable tissue. Remove the tip of the OCM™ package. Slowly squeeze to apply to the wound bed in stripes, either directly or with the use of a suitable applicator (e.g. cotton tipped applicator, tongue depressor). Allow several minutes for OCM™ to warm to body temperature and then spread evenly throughout the wound. After application, cover with an appropriate dressing to maintain OCM™ adherence and protect the wound area. The optimum dressing is determined by wound location, size, depth, and volume of exudate. Use up to 2 OCM™ devices a day. Use up to 4 OCM™ devices a week.

Clinically Tested


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