PowerHeal™ Bioelectric Bandage includes infection fighting bioelectric layer and comes with Energel® Wound Hydrogel, which activates the bandage's embedded microcell batteries and helps maintain a moist wound environment.
• The same technology you may be familiar with in JumpStart® or Procellera® antibacterial wound dressings is now available OTC as PowerHeal™ Bioelectric Bandages
• Easy access to advanced wound care at home; available on Amazon
• Creates an essential moist wound environment, provides critical protection from infection, and offers additional electrical support to fast forward the healing process
Over-the-counter Indications: PowerHeal™ Bioelectric Bandage is intended for the management of wounds, to provide a moist wound environment, and is indicated for superficial wounds such as minor cuts, scrapes, irritations, abrasions, blisters, etc.
Energel® Wound Hydrogel is used to cover a wound to protect against abrasion, friction, drying out, and contamination. It can also be used to activate PowerHeal™ products.
PowerHeal™ Antibacterial Bandages—Do not use on individuals with sensitivity or allergy to silver, zinc, or other bandage components. (Elemental silver and elemental zinc are battery components used in the bandage to preserve it and minimize or prevent the growth of bacteria within the bandage.)
Energel® Wound Hydrogel—None known.
Precautions: PowerHeal™ Bioelectric Bandages:
• Do not use PowerHeal™ Bandages with topical agents such as antibiotic creams or ointments, petroleum-based products, enzymatic debriders, silver or zinc creams, or oxidizing agents.
• Remove PowerHeal™ during energy-based procedures (such as radiofrequency, ultrasound, or radiation) where the bandage may interfere with delivery.
• MR unsafe. Remove PowerHeal™ prior to a MRI or HBOT procedure and apply a new bandage after the procedure.
• Avoid direct bandage contact with electrodes or conductive gels during electronic measurements; e.g., EEG (electroencephalogram) or ECG (electrocardiogram).
Duration of use:
• Single use only. For external use only.
• Do not use if the pouch is open or damaged prior to use.
• The safety of daily PowerHeal™ Bandages use for longer than 28 days has not been studied.
Uncontrolled bleeding, infection, sensitive skin, allergies:
• Stop using PowerHeal™ and consult a physician if allergy, irritation, increased pain, maceration, or irregular skin discoloration occurs.
• PowerHeal™ is not intended to be used on wounds with uncontrolled bleeding.
• Infected wounds should be treated under a physician’s supervision.
• The use of adhesive bandages on fragile or sensitive skin may pose a risk of skin damage upon removal of the bandage. To help minimize this risk, a skin prep may be applied on the wound perimeter prior to bandage application (not included).
Warning: PowerHeal™ Bioelectric Bandages:
Frequent use of this product may result, in rare occasions, temporary discoloration of the skin.
Precautions: Energel® Wound Hydrogel
Single use only. For external use only. Discard sachet after single use.
• Sterile until opened.
• Discard product if packaging is damaged or evidence of contamination is present.
• Bleeding should be controlled before application of a bandage.
• Do not use if you have a sensitivity to parabens.
Embedded microcell batteries comprised of elemental zinc and elemental silver, that generate a low level of electricity when in the presence of a conductive medium.
Acute Wounds
Chronic Wounds
Deep Wounds
Dehisced Wounds
Diabetic Foot
Granulating/Epithelializing Wounds
Infected Wounds
Moderate/Highly Exudating Wounds
Non/Minimally Exudating Wounds
Palliative Wounds
Pressure Ulcers
Sloughy Wounds
Superficial Wounds
Surgical Wounds
Venous Ulcers
Generally speaking, bandages should be changed based on the condition of your wound and the surrounding skin.
For example, if you have a lot of drainage coming from your wound, you may need to change your bandage once or twice a day, especially in the early stages of healing. As your wound progresses in its healing, it is typical to see less and less drainage. Once drainage slows down or stops, you may want to change your bandage every 2 to 3 days. The maximum amount of time PowerHeal may be left in place is 7 days.
Products are not made with natural rubber latex.
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