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Infected Wounds

Wound Infection Management: Important Terms to Know

February 27, 2018
Acute wound: Alteration in skin integrity such as a simple laceration or a surgical wound that moves normally through the healing process and heals in a predictable timeframe without complication....

Wound Management Challenges in Prison Populations

July 30, 2020
I am into my 20th year working as a wound care specialist. I must admit, I never thought much about wound management in the prison population until my son's wound care experiences during his incarcera...

Wound Odor Management: Charcoal Wound Dressings

February 5, 2016
By Laurie Swezey RN, BSN, CWOCN, CWS, FACCWS Activated charcoal has been used in various types of wound care dressings. Although activated charcoal in itself does not enhance wound healing, it can ...
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