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Foam Dressings

Foam dressings are often sheet, but may be available in other shapes, of foamed polymer solutions (most commonly polyurethane) with small, open cells capable of holding fluids. They may be impregnated or layered in combination with other materials. The absorption capability depends on its thickness and composition. The area in contact with the wound surface is non-adhesive for easy removal. Available with an adhesive border and/or a transparent film coating that acts as a bacterial barrier. Indicated for partial- and full-thickness wounds. Some dressings are indicated for pressure injury prevention when used as part of a broader pressure injury prevention protocol.

Foam dressings are sheets and other shapes of foamed polymer solutions (most commonly polyurethane) with small, open cells capable of holding fluids. They may be impregnated or layered in combination with other materials. The absorption capability depends on thickness and composition of the specific dressing. The area in contact with the wound surface is nonadherent for easy, atraumatic removal.

Foam dressings are available in pad, sheet, and cavity dressing form, as well as with an adhesive border and/or a transparent film coating that acts as a bacterial barrier.

Foam dressings feature the following general performance properties and attributes:
• Helps maintain moist wound environment
• Protects wound and periwound area against trauma
• Easy to apply and remove
• May be used under compression
• Conformable
• Can be used with topical agents or enzymatic debriders
• Non-linting
• Nonadherent
• Allows for atraumatic removal
• Semipermeable
• Provides thermal insulation for the wound
• Wear time of 1 to 7 days depending on amount of exudate

Foam dressings are indicated for use as primary or secondary dressings for minimally to heavily exudating partial- and full-thickness wounds such as stage II-IV pressure ulcers, surgical wounds and dermal ulcers. Depending on the product, foam dressings may be used on infected wounds, tunneling wounds, or cavity wounds. Can also be used to protect intact skin over bony prominences or friction areas.

Contraindications will vary by product. Foam dressings are generally contraindicated for use on third-degree burns and dry or non-draining wounds.

The following general warnings apply to foam dressings. Always refer to manufacturer information for Warnings and Precautions for a specific product.

May macerate periwound skin if saturated.
Not effective on wounds with dry eschar.
May require secondary dressing.


HALYARD* Bordered Silicone Foam

HALYARD* Bordered Silicone Foam is a multilayered bordered silicone foam dressing made with superabsorbent and foam layers, breathable film backing and gentle silicone adhesive.

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HALYARD* Non-Bordered Foam

HALYARD* Non-Bordered Foam dressing is made with an absorbent foam layer, protective film backing, and gentle silicone adhesive.

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HydraFoam™ is a hydrophilic absorbent foam dressing that maintains a moist wound environment, decreases maceration, and protects and cushions the wound.

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HydroCell® Adhesive Foam Dressing

HydroCell® Adhesive Foam Dressing is a highly absorbent foam that protects the wound from outside contaminants. Permits moisture vapor transmission for lightly to moderately exudating wounds.

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HydroCell® Foam Dressing

HydroCell® Foam Dressing is a highly absorbent foam that protects the wound from outside contaminants. Permits moisture vapor transmission for lightly to moderately exudating wounds.

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HydroCell® Thin Adhesive Foam Dressing

HydroCell® Thin Adhesive Foam Dressing is a highly conformable foam with an adhesive that manages wound exudate through its ability to absorb and evaporate fluids.

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Hydrofera Blue COMFORTCEL®

Hydrofera Blue COMFORTCEL® is a non-cytotoxic, pre-hydrated soft PVA foam dressing designed for patient comfort during dressing changes. Absorbs and transfers bacteria laden exudate out of tunnels, undermining, and deep wounds, away from the wound bed.

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Kendall™ Border Foam Gentle Adhesion Dressings

Kendall™ Border Foam Gentle Adhesion Dressings are a super absorbent polyurethane foam with a low-friction top sheet now featuring silicone adhesive.

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Kendall™ Foam Dressing with Topsheet

Kendall™ Foam Dressing with Topsheet is highly absorbent and designed to protect and cushion moderate to heavily exudating wounds. Soft, flexible and conforms to body contours. Polyurethane top sheet provides a bacterial barrier and helps prevent strikethrough.

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Kendall™ Foam Wound Dressing

Kendall™ Foam Wound Dressing is highly absorbent and designed to protect and cushion moderate to heavily exudating wounds. Soft, flexible and conforms to body contours.

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