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Christine Miller, DPM, PhD, CWSP, FACCWS

Addressing the Socioemotional Aspects of Chronic Venous Leg Ulcerations (CVLUs)

August 5, 2022
Chronic venous leg ulcerations (CVLUs) are one of the most common lower extremity wounds with a recurrence rate of as high as 70%. Among the wound care community, there is a common understanding that ...

Amputation Prevention: Representation Matters

April 22, 2022
Benjamin Franklin famously stated, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This statement was made in reference to the importance of fire prevention in 18th century Philadelphia, but it apt...

Comprehensive Amputee Care: Not Such a New Concept

January 27, 2023
A limb salvage program aims to prevent major amputations and thus improve patients' quality of life and overall longevity. Despite the efforts of a multidisciplinary team approach, amputation preventi...

Healing Limbs While Coordinating Care: Dual Role for Wound Care Clinicians?

March 14, 2019
By Christine Miller, DPM, DMM, PhD, FACCWS One of the gratifying aspects of being a wound care physician is the ability to develop such rich relationships with our patients. The frequent and consis...

Merry Mistletoe: Healing Value Beyond the Holiday Season

December 20, 2022
As the holiday season approaches, bundles of mistletoe will no doubt appear in many homes across the world. This popular holiday decoration, with its green leaves and white berries dangling from doorw...

Nutritional Deficiencies in a Safety Net Hospital: The Socioeconomics of Healing

January 10, 2022
The human body possesses an amazing ability to heal itself, if given the right nutrients to carry out the necessary biologic processes involved. The need for nutritional assessment and support is crit...

The Complexity of Wound Care Compliance: A Patient Case Study

May 2, 2019
Christine Miller, DPM, DMM, PhD, FACCWS One of the most difficult aspects of patient care is dealing with non-compliance. How do we help those who refuse to help themselves? This question is very c...

The Evolution of Antimicrobial Stewardship: Past, Present, and Future

January 1, 2000
The advent of antibiotics is one of the top medical advancements made in human history, but the challenge of antibiotic resistance was not far behind. In this white paper, learn how antimicrobial stew...

The Evolution of Antisepsis: A Historical Review

September 12, 2022
September is designated as Sepsis Awareness Month, and it offers us time to reflect on the critical medical developments that have brought us to the current era of infectious disease treatment. The fi...
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