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Editorial Advisory Board

Catherine T. Milne MSN, APRN, ANP/ACNS-BC, CWOCN-AP, WOCNF Clinical Editor Bristol, CT
Heidy Fouad DPT, CWS, CWT Wound Care Clinician Cairo, Egypt
Stephanie Woelfel PT, DPT, CWS Associate Professor of Clinical Physical Therapy and Surgery Los Angeles, CA
Frank Aviles Jr PT, CWS, FACCWS, CLT-LANA, ALM, AWCC, DAPWCA Wound Care Clinical Coordinator & Wound Care/Lymphedema Instructor/Educator Natchitoches, LA
Elizabeth A. Ayello PhD, MS, BSN, ETN, RN, CWON, MAPWCA, FAAN President, Ayello, Harris, and Associates Copake, NY
Kara S. Couch MS, CRNP, CWCN-AP, FAAWC Director, Wound Care Services Washington, D.C.
Elizabeth Day Dechant BSN, RN, CWOCN, CFCN Certified Wound Ostomy Continence Nurse Birmingham, Alabama
Maria Goddard MD, CWS, MAPWCA CEO Burn & Wound Care Specialist Overland Park, KS
Alton R. Johnson Jr. DPM, DABPM, FACPM, FASPS, FFPM RCPS (Glasgow), CWSP Clinical Assistant Professor and Attending Physician Ann Arbor, MI
Diane L. Krasner PhD, RN, FAAN, FAAWC, MAPWCA Wound & Skin Care Consultant York, PA
Kelly McFee DNP, FNP-C, CWS, CWCN-AP, FACCWS, DAPWCA Director of Wound Care St. Joseph, MO
Glenda J. Motta RN, BSN, MPH, WOCN Founding Editor of WoundSource Loveland, CO
Nancy Munoz DCN, MHA, RD, FAND Chief Nutrition and Food Services Las Vegas, NV
Marcia Nusgart RPh Executive Director Bethesda, MD
Matthew Regulski DPM, FFPM RCPS(Glasgow), ABMSP, FASPM Fellow Faculty Glasgow, Scotland
Kathleen D. Schaum MS President and Founder Lake Worth, FL
Jayesh Shah MD, UHM(ABPM), CWSP, FAPWCA, FCCWS, FUHM, FACP, FACHM President San Antonio, TX
Gulnaz Tariq RN BSc, MSc Assistant Director of Nursing in Sheikh Khalifa Medical City (SKMC) , United Arab Emirates