Quick Facts - Silver Safety

To combat the rise of antimicrobial resistance, health care professionals around the globe are on a search for ways to minimize reliance on antibiotics. Silver and other nontoxic antiseptics are optimal for antimicrobial stewardship since they display fewer side effects than topical antibiotics with similar efficacy Silver, which has a long history in wound care, is increasingly used to prevent or treat antibiotic-resistant infections and to disrupt biofilm formation. Medical silver is most commonly used in wound dressings as silver nanoparticles combined with surfactants or other substances that enhance effectiveness. This fact sheet covers the following:Risks of chronic and nonhealing woundsHistory of silver use in wound careSilver nanoparticle use and mechanism of actionSilver-impregnated wound dressingsArgyria causes and effectsAntimicrobial properties of silverDownload Quick Facts - Silver Safety for the staff at your facility. With its print-friendly format, it is ideally suited for bulletin board posting, as well as for handing out at your next in-service.