Quick Facts - Wound Bed Preparation

Wound bed preparation is the process of optimizing the wound bed for healing. It includes removal of nonviable tissue, moisture balance, wound edge management, regeneration, and patients' social factors affecting wound healing. After careful assessment, wound bed preparation is performed using the steps of the TIMERS mnemonic. Several debridement methods are available, and biofilm is managed to reduce infection risk. As always, meticulous wound documentation is essential. Wound care professionals will appreciate the practical information on wound bed preparation in this fact sheet. The following topics are covered:Definition of wound bed preparationComponents of TIMERS mnemonicClinical features and treatment of epiboleBiofilm managementDebridement methodsWound documentation technologiesDownload Quick Facts - Wound Bed Preparation for the staff at your facility. With its print-friendly format, it is ideally suited for bulletin board posting, as well as for handing out at your next in-service.WoundSource The World's Definitive Source for Wound Care & Product InformationPrivacy Policy