Diverse Patient Populations
For this month's WoundSource Practice Accelerator series, we are providing education on a variety of topics related to the management of wounds in diverse patient populations. Scroll below to read this month's white paper and articles, to print out our quick fact sheet, and to view other resources.
White Paper
Skin of Color: Dermatological Features from a Wound Care Perspective
Patients with skin of color require detailed and accurate assessment for care to be effective. Wound care professionals may miss certain integral nuances in patients with skin of color, leading to uncomprehensive, ineffectual care. Understanding dermatological features in skin of color can help providers recognize conditions such as erythema across various skin tones. This Practice Accelerator white paper is a great start to a wound care professional’s journey toward a greater understanding o...Fact Sheet
Quick Facts - Diverse Patient Populations
The ability to provide care to a diverse range of patients is valuable. The management of wounds in diverse patient populations can come with seemingly unexpected obstacles. However, some knowledge on how to prevent and treat wounds in these populations may mitigate possible complications. This fact sheet reviews effective wound care strategies through the lens of treating diverse patient populations. ...Featured Articles
Scarring in Diverse Populations
Skin is considered the body's largest organ, and any damage can often lead to scarring. Although the pathology and physiology of what leads to scarring are not entirely understood, some details are concrete, including the series of processes that occur after the skin is damaged. These processes will...
Read MoreVenous Leg Ulcers in Diverse Populations
Venous Leg Ulcers (VLUs) are among the most widespread chronic lower extremity wounds, with approximately 70% of chronic leg ulcers reported as VLUs. Across the population in the western hemisphere, it's estimated that 2% have VLUs, while those in the aging population have a greater prevalence at 5%...
Read MoreDiabetic Foot Ulcers in Skin of Color
Recent literature has established that there is much for the medical community to learn about highly pigmented skin, specifically in the realm of wound healing and even more so in diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs). Most distressing is the higher prevalence of amputation and mortality among patients with s...
Read MoreHow to Identify Pressure Injuries in Skin of Color
A 55-year-old African American male was admitted to our inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF) with a right trochanter stage 4 pressure injury, sacral stage 3, and left below the knee amputation (L BKA) with comorbid diabetes mellitus (DM) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD). A 2-person skin assessm...
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