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Dynamic Compression Pumps & Sleeves

Dynamic compression devices provide a therapeutic, controlled external compression or pressure cycle to a limb, trunk, genitals, and/or the face. Compressed air intermittently inflates a specially designed garment. They are used in lymphedema and venous ulcer management and prophylactically to reduce edema and aid return of venous blood to the heart. Physician order should specify level of compression and body parts. Always apply according to manufacturer's recommendations.

Dynamic compression systems, otherwise referred to as pneumatic compression devices, uses pumps and specifically designed sleeves to provide therapeutic, controlled external compression or pressure cycle to a limb. The physician order should specify level of compression required for the specific course of therapy. Always apply according to manufacturer’s recommendations.

Dynamic compression therapy systems feature the following general performance properties and attributes:
• Customized garments for different applications
• Stimulates circulation or aids in the return of venous blood to the heart
• Reduces edema
• Portable

Dynamic compression devices are indicated for the management of venous insufficiency and concomitant ulcers, as well as prophylactically to reduce edema and aid return of venous blood to the heart. Depending on the function of the device, they can also be used to promote circulation to the limbs (as opposed to aiding in the return of venous blood to the heart).

Dynamic compression is contraindicated for patients with an ankle-brachial index of less than 0.8, congestive heart failure, skin grafts, suspected deep vein thrombosis or arterial clots, episodes of inflammatory phlebitis or pulmonary embolism, presence of lymphangiosarcoma, and infections in the limb, including cellulitis, without appropriate antibiotic coverage.


Aero-Wrap Acute™

Aero-Wrap Acute™ Venous Ulcer Total Care Monthly Kit is a disposable system designed to replace traditional bandaging for both exudate and compression management of venous leg ulcers in wound care settings.

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Aero-Wrap Lite™

Aero-Wrap Lite™ is an over-the-counter reusable gradient compression product designed to provide relief for achy, tired, heavy, and swollen legs.

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Aero-Wrap™ is an air-filled compression therapy device that can be inflated to deliver precise gradient compression to the lower leg. Made of light, flexible materials with hook and loop straps that can be easily applied.

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AIROS 6 Sequential Compression Device

The AIROS 6 Sequential Compression Device provides effective gradient pneumatic compression therapy for upper and lower extremities as well as the truncal region (chest, abdomen, pelvis). Available with peristaltic mode.

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AIROS 8 Sequential Compression Device

The AIROS 8 Sequential Compression Device provides effective gradient pneumatic compression therapy for upper and lower extremities as well as the truncal region (chest, abdomen, pelvis). Available with peristaltic mode.

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Entre™ System

The Entre™ System is a basic pneumatic compression device used for the in-home treatment of venous disease, such as venous insufficiency, venous stasis ulcers and lymphedema.

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Flexitouch® Plus

Flexitouch® Plus is an advanced intermittent pneumatic compression device (lymphedema pump) that gives patients a comfortable and convenient way to self-manage lymphedema and non-healing venous leg ulcers.

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IC-1200-WH Vascu-Ease Portable DVT System

The IC-1200-WH Vascu-Ease Portable DVT System is intended to be an easy-to-use sequential compression system, for use in the hospital or home setting to help prevent the onset of DVT in patients by stimulating blood flow in the extremities.

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IC-BAP-DL Bio Arterial Plus

IC-BAP-DL Bio Arterial Plus is a gradient, sequential, pneumatic compression system that sequentially compresses both foot and calf at the highest pressure for patients suffering from diabetic foot ulcers or intermittent claudication.

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medi® pcs brio

The medi® pcs brio is a basic pneumatic compression device that allows patients to continue their lymphedema treatment at home with patient-specific programs for easy, safe and effective treatment.

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