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Debridement Devices

Debridement devices are items such as a maggots, lasers, ultrasound, monofilament pads, forceps, scissors or scalpels, or other sharp debridement instruments or technologies used to selectively or non-selectively remove non-viable necrotic tissue from a wound. This is usually performed at the bedside. Removal of necrotic tissue is done sequentially and in combination with other debridement methods, such as pulsed lavage, enzymatic agents, or moisture-retentive dressings.

Debridement devices are items such as a maggots, lasers, ultrasound, monofilament pads, forceps, scissors, or scalpels or other sharp debridement instruments used to selectively remove nonviable necrotic tissue from a wound. This process is known as sharp debridement. Conservative sharp debridement is performed at the bedside and removal of necrotic tissue is done sequentially and in combination with other debridement methods, such as pulsed lavage, enzymatic agents, or moisture-retentive dressings.

Selective removal of necrotic tissue from a wound is a process known as sharp debridement. Conservative sharp debridement is performed at the bedside and removal of necrotic tissue is done sequentially and in combination with other methods of debridement, such as pulsed lavage, enzymatic agents, medicinal maggot therapy or moisture-retentive dressings.

Debridement devices feature the following general performance properties and attributes:
• Removes necrotic tissue, allowing wound healing to progress
• Allows for targeted removal necrotic tissue

Debridement devices are indicated for debridement of necrotic tissue in acute and chronic lesions, such as pressure ulcers, diabetic ulcers, burns, post-operative wounds, trauma wounds, and infected wounds.

Sharp debridement should be used with care in patients with hemophilia or other blood clotting disorders and in patients receiving anti-coagulant medication.

Always read the package insert and use according to manufacturer’s recommendations.


Debrisoft® Pad and Debrisoft® Lolly

Debrisoft® monofilament products are highly effective and virtually painless wound bed preparation devices that immediately produce visible results. Penetrates, disrupts, and detaches biofilm, slough, keratosis, and non-viable debris in both acute and chronic wounds, while protecting granulation tissue.

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EZ Debride®

Designed by a surgeon, EZ Debride® is a simple-to-use sharp debridement instrument able to remove non-viable tissue and bioburden (with proper certification and training). Sterile.

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Jetox-ND™ is a jet lavage system for cleaning and debriding all types of wounds.

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medaxis microjet therapy

medaxis microjet therapy is a highly energized fluid jet (2000psi) to be applied to the wound bed. This mode of action removes biofilm, reduces bacterial load, provokes microbleeding, stimulates and oxygenates the wound bed.

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Medicinal Maggots™

Medicinal Maggots™ are living disinfected fly larvae used for debriding non-healing wounds such as pressure ulcers, neuropathic foot ulcers, non-healing post-surgical wounds and other chronic wounds. Consult manufacturer for further information.

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The Perilav™ selective mechanical debridement system makes traditional irrigation and debridement procedures safer and simpler for any treatment setting by containing fluid and wound debris in an easily disposable bag.

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Pulsar II™ Advanced Wound Irrigation (AWI™) System

Pulsar II™ Advanced Wound Irrigation (AWI™) System is a portable, safe, no-touch selective hydro debridement system that effectively removes bacteria and necrotic tissue without disrupting healthy tissue.

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Qoustic Wound Therapy System™

Qoustic Wound Therapy System delivers focused ultrasonic energy from the proprietary Qoustic Qurette™ as it lightly contacts the wound bed, gently separating and removing unwanted tissue while preserving healthy granulation tissue. Also useful in preparing the wound bed for other therapies, such as grafts and flaps.

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Soft K-Cot®

Soft K-Cot® brush-curette is designed to be both minimally invasive and clinically effective for wound cleaning, debridement, and tissue sampling. Nitrile finger cot pad is made of Kylon®, a patented medical fabric which dislodges and collects wound debris efficiently and effectively.

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Soft K-Rette®

The Soft K-Rette® utilizes the proprietary Kylon® fabric on a brush-curette designed to fit in crevices and between and under toes to be both minimally invasive and clinically effective for wound hygiene, debridement, and tissue sampling. Can also collect tissue for biopsy testing (anatomic pathology, microbiology, or molecular testing).

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