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Medicinal Maggots™

Medicinal Maggots™ are living disinfected fly larvae used for debriding non-healing wounds such as pressure ulcers, neuropathic foot ulcers, non-healing post-surgical wounds and other chronic wounds. Consult manufacturer for further information.

Monarch Labs, LLC

Monarch Labs manufactures, markets, and distributes wound care products such as Medicinal Maggots™ and related wound supplies.
Fax:(949) 679-3001 Website:

• Cost-effective, natural, rapid debridement of wounds
• Demonstrated faster debridement than other non-surgical treatments
• Medical literature described wound disinfection, wound healing, and disruption of biofilm development with maggot therapy.


Medicinal Maggots™ are used to debride chronic wounds such as pressure ulcers, neuropathic foot ulcers, venous insufficiency ulcers, post-surgical and traumatic wounds, and other non-healing wounds.


Medicinal Maggots™ should not be used in patients allergic to fly larvae, brewer's yeast, or soy proteins.

Warnings and Precautions

Medical Maggots™ are highly perishable and should be used within 24 hours of arrival (ordered to arrive within 24 hours of use).

Adverse Effects/Reactions

Pain or discomfort may occur in patients with wounds. May need analgesics or to remove maggots early.

Storage Requirements

Store at room temperature. Use within 24 hours of arrival.

Active Ingredients

Phaenicia (Lucilia) sericata larvae

Inactive Ingredients

Cotton gauze

How Supplied/Sizing
Units: 250–500 larvae per vial; Dose: 5–8 larvae per sq cm wound base. Supplied as two maggot-impregnated gauze.
Product features
cancel Battery operated
check_circle Customized to order
check_circle Disposable
cancel Instrument
cancel Requires access to suction
cancel Sterile
check_circle Variety of sizes
Recommended Use

Cavity Wounds
Chronic Wounds
Deep Wounds
Dehisced Wounds
Diabetic Foot
Infected Wounds
Moderate/Highly Exudating Wounds
Non/Minimally Exudating Wounds
Palliative Wounds
Pressure Ulcers
Sloughy Wounds
Superficial Wounds
Surgical Wounds
Venous Ulcers

Mode of Use/Application

Medicinal Maggots™ are supplied as maggot-impregnated gauze. Cover with an appropriate dressing. For additional guidance, see package insert, website or call for assistance.

Removal & Change Frequency

Debridement is usually complete within 48 hours, by which time the maggots (used and unused) and maggot dressing should be removed and disposed of with other contaminated wound care products in a sealed plastic bag.

Additional Recommended Dressings

Sheer Comfort, LeSoc

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