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ZeniABSORB is a sterile, multilayered dressing used to absorb moderate to heavily drainage. Composed of water-resistant backing, superabsorbent core and hydro-penetrating layers to lock exudate in the dressing.

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ZeniCOL is a sterile, non-hydrolyzed pure collagen dressing composed of 100% bovine origin. Promotes angiogenesis, decreases MMP levels, and stimulates collagen deposition and formation of granulation tissue in the wound.

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ZeniCOL-Ag is composed of silver collagen that transforms into a soft gel sheet when in contact with wound drainage. EDTA in the dressing inhibits the activity of MMPs to create a suitable healing environment and silver chloride is an effective antimicrobial intended to prevent colonization of the dressing.

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ZeniCONTACT is a sterile, meshed, silicone contact layer that allows exudate to pass through to the secondary dressing. The silicone is non-adherent, cuttable, moldable and prevents secondary dressings from adhering to fragile tissue.

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ZeniFIBER is a sterile, non-woven pad or rope made from calcium alginate fibers used to absorb
drainage, reduce odor and pack deep/tunnelling wounds. Becomes a fibrous gel on contact with wound exudate.

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ZeniFIBER-Ag is a silver calcium alginate dressing used to absorb drainage, reduce odor, reduce bacteria and pack deep or tunneling wounds. Becomes a fibrous gel on contact with wound exudate. 7-day antibacterial effectiveness.

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ZeniFOAM is a non-adherent sterile polyurethane foam dressing used to absorb moderate to heavy drainage while protecting fragile skin. Waterproof backing prevents strikethrough and provides protection from external contaminants.

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ZeniFOAM GENTLE is a sterile, silicone-faced, polyurethane foam dressing without an adhesive border designed to absorb moderate to heavy drainage. Protects fragile skin and reduces painful dressing changes.

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ZeniFOAM GENTLE BORDER is a sterile, multi-layered, silicone-faced, polyurethane foam dressing with a silicone border designed to absorb moderate to heavy drainage. Protects fragile skin and reduces painful dressing changes.

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ZeniFOAM-Ag is an absorbent, non-adherent, conformable foam dressing without an adhesive border used for moderate to heavily draining wounds. The dressing contains 0.35-0.40mg/cm3 ionic silver to provide effective antibacterial activity and exudate management.

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