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Mattresses: Powered

Powered mattresses are devices placed directly on a semi-electric or total electric hospital bed frame. They utilize alternating pressure, low air loss, or powered flotation without air loss. An air pump or blower provides either sequential inflation and deflation or a low interface pressure throughout. The mattresses have an inflated cell height of 5 inches or greater and a surface designed to reduce friction and shear. Indicated for patients with stage 2, 3, or 4 pressure ulcers or post-operative myocutaneous flaps or skin grafts. These devices require electricity for proper functioning.

Powered mattresses are devices placed directly on a semi-electric or total electric hospital bed frame. They utilize therapeutic modalities such as alternating pressure, low air loss or powered flotation without air loss to redistribute pressure to aid in the treatment or prevention of pressure ulcers or other indicated conditions. An air pump or blower provides either sequential inflation and deflation or a low interface pressure throughout the mattress.

Powered mattresses have an inflated cell height of 5 inches or greater and a surface designed to reduce friction and shear. Mattresses generally feature a durable waterproof cover that may also have antimicrobial properties depending on the manufacturer.

Powered mattresses feature the following general performance properties and attributes:
• Protects at-risk skin against friction and shear
• Manages heat and moisture to prevent skin breakdown
• May have side bolsters to ease patient egress
• May help minimize skin maceration

Powered mattresses are indicated for patients with stage 2, 3 or 4 pressure ulcers or post-operative myocutaneous flaps or skin grafts. These mattresses may also be indicated for the prevention of pressure ulcer formation in at-risk patients.

Powered mattresses are contraindicated for use on unstable spinal fractures and spinal cord injuries or for cervical traction.


Adapt Air Pro™

Adapt Air Pro™ features 8-inch air cells and two therapy modes: 1-in-2 alternating pressure or powered immersion. The surface also features targeted airflow microclimate management, which provides constant airflow to the top cover.

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Adapt Air™

Adapt Air™ features 6-inch air cells and two therapy modes: 1-in-2 alternating pressure or powered immersion. Targeted airflow microclimate management provides a constant flow of air to the top cover.

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Arise® 1000 EX

The Arise® 1000 EX is an expandable therapy system that provides low air loss with pulsation for patients weighing up to 1,000lb.

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DermaFloat® APL

DermaFloat® APL is a combination alternating pressure/low air loss mattress replacement system that is quiet, comfortable and easy to use.

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DermaFloat® APM

DermaFloat® APM is an alternating pressure mattress replacement system that is quiet, comfortable and easy to use.

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DermaFloat® LAL

DermaFloat® LAL is a low air loss mattress replacement system that is quiet, comfortable and easy to use.

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DermaFloat® LR

DermaFloat® LR is a lateral rotation mattress replacement system that is quiet, comfortable and easy to use.

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Elite Balance Air Series Alternating Pressure Mattress

The Elite Balance Air Alternating Pressure Mattress provides patients a comfortable and therapeutic support surface to enhance healing and prevent skin breakdown for the treatment and prevention of pressure ulcers.

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eMax Air® Pro Dynamic Surface

eMax Air® Pro Dynamic Surface features a combination of a convertible non-powered design, along with the option to provide alternating pressure therapy.

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Hill-Rom® 300 Wound Surface

The Hill-Rom® 300 Wound Surface is an affordable wound care prevention and treatment surface combining alternating pressure and low air loss modalities in one mattress for comfort and treatment.

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