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DermaPure® Decellularized Dermal Allograft

DermaPure® is 99% DNA-free decellularized dermal allograft with vascular-like channels and an intact ECM necessary to signal a cellular response to healing.

ARMS Medical

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• Produced using patented dCELL® Technology
• Human-derived dermal allograft
• Minimally manipulated to maintain structure
• 99% DNA-free
• Biocompatible while retaining native growth factors, collagen and elastin, preserving natural structure
• Replaces the damaged extracellular matrix so living cells can flourish
• Supports angiogenesis with the presence of vascular-like channels present prior to application
• Permits fibroblasts to attach to the scaffold
• Contains the correct extracellular matrix components to attract and proliferate endothelial cells


DermaPure® Decellularized Dermal Allograft provides a scaffold for the body’s repair or replacement of damaged or inadequate integumental tissue or for other homologous uses of human integument.

Warnings and Precautions

See package insert/Instructions for Use.

Adverse Effects/Reactions

See package insert/Instructions for Use.

Storage Requirements

Ambient temperature.

Active Ingredients

Decellularized human dermis

How Supplied/Sizing
1cmx2cm, 2cmx2cm, 2cmx3cm, 3cmx4cm, 4cmx6cm, 7cmx10cm.
Product features
check_circle Assigned HCPCS code
cancel Minimally manipulated
cancel Cryopreserved
cancel Dehydrated
cancel Desiccated
cancel Flowable
cancel Micronized
check_circle Sheet form
cancel Requires refrigeration
check_circle Shelf life greater than 2 years
cancel Shelf life limited
check_circle Indicated for acute wounds
check_circle Indicated for chronic wounds
check_circle Indicated for diabetic ulcers
check_circle Indicated for pressure ulcers
check_circle Indicated for surgical wounds
check_circle Indicated for third-degree burns
check_circle Indicated for venous ulcers
check_circle Contact manufacturer for usage guidelines
Other features
check_circle Educational Material Available
check_circle Free Samples/Trials Available
check_circle Published Clinical Article Available
Recommended Use

Acute Wounds
Cavity Wounds
Chronic Wounds
Deep Wounds
Dehisced Wounds
Diabetic Foot
Granulating/Epithelializing Wounds
Infected Wounds
Moderate/Highly Exudating Wounds
Non/Minimally Exudating Wounds
Palliative Wounds
Pressure Ulcers
Superficial Wounds
Surgical Wounds
Venous Ulcers

Removal & Change Frequency

Single application in most cases. Additional applications at physician discretion.

Additional Recommended Dressings

Primary dressing: Non-adherent contact layer. Bolster, first five to seven days post application: Normal saline-moistened gauze or hydrogel-moistened gauze. Secondary dressing: Maintain a moist wound environment (e.g., foam dressing).

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