PolyMem MAX® Silver Non-Adhesive Dressing is an extra-thick multifunctional, interactive PolyMem dressing with silver added. Designed for handling high levels of exudate while providing antimicrobial protection, continuously cleansing wounds, balancing moisture, helping to subdue and focus inflammation, and reducing odor and wound pain.
• Suited for moderately to heavily exudating wounds when the wound displays signs of delayed healing or the patient is immunocompromised
• 60% more absorbent and has a higher MVTR than standard-thickness PolyMem dressings
Indicated for virtually all wounds at every stage of healing.
Acute Wounds
Chronic Wounds
Dehisced Wounds
Diabetic Foot
Infected Wounds
Moderate/Highly Exudating Wounds
Palliative Wounds
Pressure Ulcers
Sloughy Wounds
Surgical Wounds
Venous Ulcers
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