Tensogrip® is an elasticized, tubular support bandage, ideal for the effective management of strains, sprains, and soft tissue injuries. Provides pressure and support over varying body contours.
Hydrofera, LLC and BSN Medical Inc. are Essity-owned companies. Essity is a leading global hygiene and health company dedicated to improving well-being through products and solutions. They provide high-quality wound and incontinence care, orthopedic, and compression products. Essity sells in approximately 150 countries under leading global brands Cutimed®, Hydrofera Blue®, Leukoplast®, JOBST®, Delta-Cast®, and TENA®.
• Ease of application
• Exerts even pressure
• Washable and reusable
• Wide range of sizes
• Provides light support, light compression, and dressing retention
• Horizontal stretch
• Easily cut to size
• Air-permeable
Tensogrip® is indicated for light support and compression, and for the retention of wound dressings.
Light Support
Light Compression
Retention of Wound Dressings
Soft Tissue Injuries
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