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The Next Generation Products are Here! Are You Ready?: The use of an autologous blood-derived product for the treatment of chronic non-healing diabetic wounds

As Kathy Schaum discussed in her very informative reimbursement webinar, the recent CTP restrictions going into effect on September 17, 2023 may mean less accessibility to advanced therapies for the wound care patient population, and as a result we expect your choices to become limited.  Providers will be under more pressure than ever to deliver high quality care to patients in the most cost-effective way. Most clinicians and Program Directors go about this by choosing products that produce great outcomes for their patients while satisfying the financial and workflow needs of the clinic.  3C Patch provides an option that meets those needs!

CMS has created a new evidence-based, reimbursable category that allows for up to 20 weeks of utilization for diabetic wounds. This category, described as autologous blood-derived products for chronic non-healing diabetic wounds, is a separate National Coverage Determination that has not been affected by these recent changes.

NOW is the time to shift your product selection to the next great innovation in wound care, 3C Patch has accelerated autologous blood-based therapy to a new level of quality and effectiveness for your patients. Not only is 3C Patch clinically proven, but it has also twice been included as a recommended therapy by the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot.

Kathy Schaum will present the facts about the NCD for autologous blood-derived products after Dr. Green's presentation.

Presented by: Dr. Tyson Green, DPM and Kathleen D. Schaum, MS

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