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T.I.M.E. to Change: Exudate Management

TIME is precious. Healthcare workers are witnessing a growing population with multiple health issues and an increase in chronic wounds. The economic and human cost to treat chronic wounds are high and can spiral out of control. There are many factors involved in wound healing, and exudate management is a critical aspect in effective wound care. Managing chronic wound drainage can be challenging not only for the clinician, but to the patient as well. Nurses spend up to half of their time attending to wounds because of dressing leakage, and up to 70% of dressing changes are driven by schedule instead of clinical need. During this webinar, we will discuss moisture imbalances that delay wound healing and how to take control of this barrier of chronic wound care. Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss the importance of moisture balance
  • Identify challenges in wound treatment and how they affect dressing choice
  • Describe properties of an ideal dressing
  • Appraise considerations for patient empowerment
  • Review relevant case studies

Presented by: Stephanie Constable, BSN, RN, CWOCN

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