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Catherine T. Milne, APRN, MSN, CWOCN-AP, ANP, ACNS-BC

2020 – A Year to Remember – The Year of the Nurse

August 27, 2020
Heroes are regular folks put into a circumstance they did not ask for. Faced with the impossible, they pull off the improbable. You know – Harriet Tubman, Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger and his ...

Mentoring in Wound Care: Step Up for the Next Generation

August 9, 2019
by Catherine Milne, APRN, MSN, ANP/ACNS-BC, CWOCN-AP We need mentors in wound care. Why? Our number of wound care providers cannot meet the overwhelming needs of our patients, our traditional pract...

Moving Past Heartbreak: The Finish Line Awaits

July 28, 2021
The Boston Marathon, a grueling 26.2-mile trek from Hopkinton, Massachusetts, to downtown Boston, features the notorious Heartbreak Hill at mile 20 – a half-mile climb up a steep 3.3% grade that follo...

Wound Care Objectives: The Right Thing, Done Well, the First Time

August 18, 2016
By Catherine T. Milne, APRN, MSN, BC-ANP, CWOCN-AP From Nike's "Just Do It" ad campaign to Google's corporate "Don't be evil" code, I've always been struck by the many marketing campaigns that remi...

Wound Care Perspectives: Looking Back and Forward at the Same Time

September 1, 2015
By Catherine T. Milne, APRN, MSN, BC-ANP, CWOCN-AP My grandmother knew wound care. "Soak it in salt water," she'd say. "Keep it open to air!" she would emphatically declare the next day. You never ...
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