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Emily Greenstein, APRN, CNP, CWON, FACCWS

Do You Know the Six Pillars of Chronic Wound Care?

April 29, 2022
After attending the Spring Symposium for Advanced Wound Care and hearing many great lectures, I got to thinking, “What are the pillars of chronic wound care?” We have all heard of the concept “look at...

An Itch You Cannot Scratch: 10 Interesting Facts About Morgellons Disease

April 1, 2019
By Emily Greenstein, APRN, CNP, CWON, FACCWS I recently presented this topic as a Journal Club presentation for the Association for the Advancement of Wound Care Members. I feel like this is a very...

Are You a Wound Care Detective?

January 7, 2021
By: Emily Greenstein, APRN, CNP, CWON, FACCWS Being a wound care professional is often a lot like being a detective. You have to decide what caused the wound, what is contributing to its not healin...

Are You a Wound Care Detective? Case 1

January 27, 2021
By Emily Greenstein, APRN, CNP, CWON, FACCWS Last month I introduced you to the concept of how being a wound care professional is often a lot like being a detective. This blog post is going to star...

Five Tips for Treating the Whole Patient, Not the Hole in the Patient

June 20, 2019
By Emily Greenstein, APRN, CNP, CWON, FACCWS Recently I was able to attend the Spring Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (SAWC) in San Antonio, Texas. I attended many different lectures, presented, a...

How Being a Wound Specialist Can Help You Survive a Werewolf or Vampire Bite

October 24, 2019
By Emily Greenstein, APRN, CNP, CWON, FACCWS It’s that time of year again. For the leaves to change, all the ghouls and goblins to come alive, and for a sudden influx of sugar! After the success of...

How Being a Wound Specialist Could Save You During a Zombie Apocalypse

October 18, 2018
by Emily Greenstein, APRN, CNP, CWON, FACCWS Did you know that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a page dedicated to preparing for a zombie apocalypse? When I was first as...

Pseudomonas Wound Infection: What Is It and What Are the Signs?

April 21, 2023
Emily Greenstein, APRN, CNP, CWON-AP, FACCWS Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) is a common gram-negative aerobic bacilli bacterial infection in chronic wounds. PA is often present in soil, water, humans,...

Six Things Your Mother Never Told You About Wound Care

January 2, 2019
by Emily Greenstein, APRN, CNP, CWON, FACCWS "When I grow up, I want to be a wound care specialist." That's not something you hear kids going around saying. Sure, kids want to be doctors or nurses....

Six Wound Care Habits to Give up for the New Year

January 9, 2020
By Emily Greenstein, APRN, CNP, CWON, FACCWS The New Year is finally here, the beginning of a new decade. And we all know that with the calendar change comes the urge to get rid of any and all bad ...
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