Jeffrey M. Levine, MD, AGSF, CWS-P, CMD
A Review of the Skin Failure Concept
November 16, 2021
My colleagues, Barbara Delmore PhD, RN, CWCN, MAPWCA and Jill Cox PhD, RN, APN-c, CWOCN, and I have written a paper,1 available electronically ahead of print, that reviews the skin failure concept, de...
Beating the Odds in Wound Care: Is it a Terminal Ulcer?
September 16, 2022
I was asked to perform a wound consult on a newly admitted resident to a post-acute unit of a nursing home. She rested quietly with a barely touched breakfast on her bedside table. Her aide had tried ...
Does The Term Never Event Apply to Pressure Injuries?
October 7, 2016
By Jeffrey M. Levine MD, AGSF, CWS-P
Editor's Note: The views expressed in Dr. Levine’s posts are solely those of the author, and do not represent the views of any medical school or national organi...
Hydrogel: An Overused Wound Care Modality?
May 12, 2017
By Jeffrey Levine MD
While I’m on rounds with students I like to ask, "What is the active ingredient of hydrogel?" My query is usually met with puzzled looks. It's a trick question, because the ter...
Wound Odor: An Ancient Clinical Syndrome
May 21, 2022
The malodor that emanates from some wounds has been recognized throughout human history, as starkly demonstrated in the ancient Greek play named after the principal character, Philoctetes. Written by ...