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Surgical Wounds

Preventing Surgical Site Infections

September 27, 2019
By the WoundSource Editors The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) define a surgical site infection (SSI) as "an infection that occurs after surgery in the part of the body where the s...

Skin Grafting of Surgical Wounds

February 19, 2013
By Laurie Swezey RN, BSN, CWOCN, CWS, FACCWS Skin grafting of surgical wounds is performed for wounds that are difficult to close using traditional closure methods, such as staples or sutures. They...

Steps for Preventing Cross-Contamination in Post-Operative Wound Care

September 30, 2020
Surgical site infections (SSIs) are wound infections that occur after invasive surgical procedures. Depending on the location of the wound and the level of post-operative care that the patient receive...

Surgical Site Infection: What Causes the Infection?

September 29, 2021
Although advances in surgical techniques and operating room technologies have made many surgical procedures more successful and have led to easier recovery for many patients, surgical site infections ...

Surgical Site Infections: Current Recommendations and Guidelines

December 8, 2017
By Samantha Kuplicki MSN, APRN-CNS, AGCNS-BC, CWS, CWCN, CFCN Great news! Data suggest that surgical site infection (SSI) incidence could be halved with implementation of evidence-based interventio...

Surgical Site Infections: Frequently Asked Questions

December 11, 2019
By Thomas E. Serena, MD, FACS Conceived in the operating theater and born in the home, surgical site infections (SSIs) reach maturity in the outpatient wound clinic. The woundologist, whether surgi...

Surgical Site Infections: Risk Factors and Prevention Strategies

February 27, 2018
by the WoundSource Editors Of the millions of surgical procedures performed annually, most surgical site wounds heal without complications. Surgical site infections (SSIs) are common complications ...

Surgical Site Management: Choosing an Antimicrobial Dressing

September 30, 2020
Surgical site management in the post-operative time frame is paramount in preventing infection and wound dehiscence. It is essential to use practical knowledge in good wound cleansing and skin care an...

Surgical Wound Complications

September 29, 2021
Despite modern precautions and protocols in place, surgical site infection (SSI) continues to be a risk. SSIs are the most common and costly of all hospital-acquired infections, with an estimated annu...
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