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AeroBolster ExuCare®

AeroBolster ExuCare® is a dressing that absorbs exudate, maintains a moist wound environment, and locally redistributes compression. It features a high-absorbency inner core with gelling fiber to lock in exudate and drainage. The outer air bolster layer aids in redistributing compression when used under compression devices.

Sun Scientific

Sun Scientific manufactures sustained gradient compression therapy devices.
Product features
cancel Antimicrobial format available
cancel Color change w/ moisture activation
cancel Compatible w/ topicals
cancel Conforms readily to wound
cancel Cuttable
check_circle Intact when saturated
cancel Moisture vapor permeable
cancel Moldable
cancel Non-linting
cancel Secondary dressing required
cancel Self-adhering
cancel Silicone-based adhesive
check_circle Usable on infected wounds
check_circle Variety of sizes

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