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P-DERM® Silicone Gel Adhesives

Silicone gels form a thin and flexible wound covering. Silicone sheets are soft wound covers composed of cross-linked polymers reinforced with or bonded to mesh or fabric. These dressings can be used in the treatment of hypertrophic and keloid scars to improve appearance, as well as help prevent the formation of these kind of scars.
Hypertrophic scars can be caused by poorly designed surgical wound closure, too much tension applied to a surgical wound closure, a wound infection, or partial- and full-thickness burns. Hypertrophic scars tend to be limited to within the original margins of the wound. Keloid scars result from an inherited metabolic alteration in collagen, and often extend beyond the original margins of the wound.

Polymer Science, Inc.

Polymer Science, Inc. is a compounder and coater of adhesives and specialty coatings for use in advanced wound care, scar therapy, in vitro diagnostics fixation and wearable products using silicone gels, acrylics, and hydrogels.
Toll free:(888) 533-7004 Fax:(574) 583-3954 Website:

Silicone gel sheets feature the following general performance properties and attributes:
• Conformable
• Atraumatic removal
• Repositionable
• Some silicone gel sheets may be cut to size


Silicone gel sheets are indicated to prevent or improve the appearance of old and new hypertrophic and keloid scars.


Silicone gel sheets are contraindicated for use on patients with a silicone allergy or sensitivity.

Warnings and Precautions

The following general warnings apply to silicone gel sheets. Always refer to manufacturer information for Warnings and Precautions for a specific product.
May require a secondary dressing.
May cause maceration or a rash if specific silicone dressing has decreased moisture vapor transmission due to specific construction.

Storage Requirements

Store on rolls out of direct sunlight at 50–80ºF in polybag

How Supplied/Sizing
Supplied on Rolls up to 750mm width
Product features
check_circle Adhesive border
cancel Antimicrobial format available
check_circle Compatible w/ topicals
check_circle Conforms readily to wound
cancel Impermeable to outside contaminants
check_circle Moisture vapor permeable
cancel Moldable
check_circle One-piece removal
check_circle Self-adhering
check_circle Silicone-based adhesive
check_circle Stretchable
cancel Variety of sizes
Recommended Use

Acute Wounds
Cavity Wounds
Chronic Wounds
Deep Wounds
Diabetic Foot
Granulating/Epithelializing Wounds
Hypertrophic Scars/Keloids
Infected Wounds
Moderate/Highly Exudating Wounds
Non/Minimally Exudating Wounds
Pressure Ulcers
Superficial Wounds
Surgical Wounds
Venous Ulcers


Available as bilaminate (silicone/face stock), trilamiante (silicone/carrier/acrylic) or perforated trilaminate


Expiry 1 year from date of manufacture: final expiration will be determined on final packaged component

Clinically Tested


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