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Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Addressing the Socioemotional Aspects of Chronic Venous Leg Ulcerations (CVLUs)

August 5, 2022
Chronic venous leg ulcerations (CVLUs) are one of the most common lower extremity wounds with a recurrence rate of as high as 70%. Among the wound care community, there is a common understanding that ...

Circulatory Insufficiency: What is the Difference Between Venous and Arterial Ulcers?

February 28, 2023
Vascular ulcers are wounds on the skin that form as the result of abnormal blood circulation in the body, including arterial and venous etiologies. Estimates suggest 3-5% of those over 65 in the Unite...

How the Identification of Chronic Wound Infection Can Be Improved With Technology

May 6, 2022
Infection is the single most likely cause of delayed healing in chronic wounds. In most cases, identification of chronic wound infection (eg, diabetic foot ulcers and venous leg ulcers) is not obvious...

Telangiectasia: Is it a Sign of Venous Insufficiency?

September 15, 2023
Telangiectasia, also known as “spider veins,” are caused by permanent, abnormal dilation of end vessels, venules mainly, but also of capillaries and arterioles of the sub papillary plexus. Telangiecta...

The CEAP Classification: What You Should Know

February 2, 2025
In this blog, learn how the CEAP classification system is defined and how it can be used by clinicians to identify patients at risk for VLU formation and better define the state of existing VLUs....

To Compress or Not to Compress: Practical Tips for Treating Lower Extremity Ulcers

January 20, 2023
Emily Greenstein, APRN, CNP, CWON-AP, FACCWS Terry Treadwell, MD, FACS We all know that compression therapy is the “gold standard” for the treatment of venous leg ulcers. However, how do we know i...

Venous Leg Ulcers and Comorbidities

April 22, 2024
Venous leg ulcers (VLUs) are often the result of chronic venous insufficiency and venous hypertension, which cause retrograde venous flow or venous obstruction and require long-term monitoring and man...

Venous Leg Ulcers in Diverse Populations

May 2, 2023
Venous Leg Ulcers (VLUs) are among the most widespread chronic lower extremity wounds, with approximately 70% of chronic leg ulcers reported as VLUs. Across the population in the western hemisphere, i...

What Are the Advantages of Multilayer Compression Bandaging for Chronic Venous Insufficiency, Lymphedema, and Phlebolymphedema?

May 6, 2022
As lymphedema and wound care therapists at Penn Therapy & Fitness, we often see scenarios like those in the cases described in our abstract presented as a poster at the recent Symposium on Advanced Wo...
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