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Pyoderma Gangrenosum

Atypical Wounds: Causes and Management (Part 1)

February 8, 2018
By Martin D. Vera LVN, CWS As devoted clinicians to the field of wound management we take a responsibility to educate ourselves and others about wound etiologies and characteristics, as well as man...

Can Low Dose Naltrexone Help Heal Certain Wounds?

September 3, 2014
Naltrexone is an opioid antagonist originally approved by the FDA in the early 1980s for the treatment of heroin addiction. The high dose of 50mg was used, but caused people to become too sick with wi...

Diagnosing Pyoderma Gangrenosum

February 20, 2025
Pyoderma gangrenosum can be a challenging diagnosis for providers to reach. In this video interview, Windy Cole, DPM, discusses how to rule out other diagnoses in order to arrive at a diagnosis of PG....

Minimizing the Risk of Pathergy in Treating Pyoderma Gangrenosum

November 7, 2013
By Aletha Tippett MD Understanding Pathergy and Pyoderma Gangrenosum Pathergy is an aberration of the skin’s innate reactivity from a homeostatic reactive mode closely coupled to tissue healing to...

Peristomal Skin Complications and Tips for Management

March 5, 2019
by Holly Hovan MSN, RN-BC, APRN, ACNS-BC, CWOCN-AP As discussed in a prior blog, stoma location is certainly one of the key factors in successful ostomy management and independence with care at hom...

Review: Misdiagnosis of Factitious Ulcer as Pyoderma Gangrenosum

May 5, 2016
By Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine Journal Review Club Editor's note: This post is part of the Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine (TUSPM) journal review club blog series...

The Use of Green Clay in Ulcer Treatment: An Historic Overview

January 29, 2013
By Aletha Tippett MD This month's blog is in response to a comment on Recognizing and Treating Wounds Caused by Pyoderma Gangrenosum: "What is green clay? Where do you get it? What does it do? Tha...

Weird Wounds Part 1: Pyoderma Gangrenosum

March 2, 2020
When I was in my APRN program, a phrase that I heard from an instructor has stuck with me throughout my practice: "When it comes to diagnosing, if you hear hooves, think horses, not zebras." Essential...
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