Prevalon AirTAP™ Patient Repositioning System helps protect patients from pressure injuries and caregivers from patient handling injuries. The system offloads the sacrum, minimizes friction and shear, and manages moisture.
Prevalon® Heel Protector with Integrated Wedge was specifically designed to help reduce the risk of heel pressure injury while keeping the foot and leg in a neutral position.
The Prevalon® Mobile Air Transfer System (MATS) uses a cushion of air to help laterally transfer your patients with significantly less exertion and without the need for lifting. Simultaneously inflates and cradles patients to keep them comfortable and properly positioned.
Prevalon® Turn and Position System (TAP) helps protect patients from pressure injuries and caregivers from patient-handling injuries. The system offloads the sacrum, minimizes friction and shear, and manages moisture.
PRUventor™ Heel Off-loading Device is a clinically approved heel offloading device that will help to ensure the patient’s heels are relieved of pressure while also helping to prevent foot drop and lateral foot rotation.
Rooke® AKA Rigid Protector protects and helps patients heal after above-knee amputation. The post-op dressing is designed to offer superior protection from a fall for an above-knee amputation.
Rooke® BKA Rigid Protector protects and helps patients heal after below-knee amputation. Post-op dressing is designed to keep the knee in a secure yet neutral-flex position and offers superior wound and fall protection.
Rooke® Vascular Boot was designed to provide 100% offloading of the heel with natural warmth to increase TcPO2. Also redistributes pressure along the calf to treat and prevent lower-extremity skin breakdown.
The Rooke® Vascular Mitt has been used by vascular surgeons to help treat patients with vascular-compromised hands for increased hand and finger circulation.