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Windy E. Cole, DPM, CWSP, FACCWS

Frequently Asked Questions: Diabetic Foot Ulcers

May 14, 2020
In my recent WoundSource webinar, I discussed the topic of diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) and using advanced therapies to encourage their healing. The webinar is still available for viewing on WoundSourc...

Skin Substitutes: Is it Time for Advanced Therapy?

August 17, 2023
In this interview, Windy Cole, DPM discusses when CTP use is appropriate for chronic wounds and how to move these wounds down the healing cascade....

Topical Oxygen Therapy: What Wound Care Professionals Should Know

November 29, 2022
In this interview, Dr. Windy Cole discusses the use of topical oxygen therapies and what processes oxygen help facilitate in wound healing. She indicates the etiologies this therapy can treat as well ...

Venous Leg Ulcers: Why Should Clinicians Use the CORE Protocol?

July 11, 2023
Windy Cole, DPM discusses why the CORE protocol is essential for venous leg ulcer (VLU) treatment and how to prevent VLU recurrence....
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